Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Psoriasis Scalp Treatment

Scalp Treatment at a Glance

Image from www.healthline.com
There are many types of psoriasis treatments. The one that is right for you depends on which type of psoriasis you have and the severity of it. It could also depend on where it is located on your body too. If you are looking
for a Psoriasis Scalp Treatment say this could be a tad different from one for the body or vice-a-versa. So many treatments exist for this disorder it would be hard to work all of them into the same article so we will cover just a few in this one. The first one would be that of olive oil and shampoo.
Basically you shampoo your hair first preferably with a shampoo that is designed to help psoriasis. The ones that have coal tar in them or perhaps zinc shampoo for example.
Then instead of using your favorite conditioner apply some olive oil in place of it. Make sure you work he olive oil into you scalp gently and let it set for a minute or two. You will see that this causes the scaly skin to loosen so you can rinse it away. Rinse the olive oil out thoroughly. This will not only help your scalp but condition your hair. Another natural treatment that is good for psoriasis no matter what part of the body it is on is apple cider vinegar. It helps the skin have a more normal pH. It also helps soothe flare-ups of psoriasis.


Alternative Scalp Treatment Or Mainstream?

There is also a variety of medical treatments that can be used whether for psoriasis scalp treatment or other types of treatment. You have topical treatments that include the corticosteroids which come in lotions, creams, ointments, and even foams. There are many treatments available that can be bought on the internet which don’t need prescriptions. Revitol has been an industry leader in a wide range of skin treatment solutions. Their new psoriasis treatment is the Psoriasis Cream. If you act quickly you can try it for free – limited time offer. There are some heavy-duty treatment solutions where you will need a prescription but many excellent treatments can be bought over the counter on-line. Which one will work on you depends on how bad your psoriasis is.

Sometimes the application of a dressing of some sort can help the topical steroid penetrate the area of the flare-up. These can have a few side effects as the thinning of the skin or acne showing up. For the most part these are safe when used according to directions. Coal tar products are old school but still people topically apply tar to the affected areas. These products can cause some discoloration at times try to keep off of clothing. Phototherapy is another group of treatments that can be used on psoriasis. UVB or UVA light treatments have been shown to improve this disorder. Even regular sunlight can improve the condition. This would even work in conjunction with other treatments. You could include phototherarpy as part of your psoriasis scalp treatment routine.

There are several oral medications that can be used for treatment too. Methotrexate is an agent used in chemotherapy and is used in severe cases of psoriasis. It can be taken either by injection or orally on a weekly basis. There is however a risk of suppression in the bone marrow and damage to the kidneys or liver. Cyclosporine can be used to suppress the immune system and is highly successful in treating a severe case of psoriasis. However, it to could cause kidney damage if used for long periods of time. These are just a few of the treatments available there are many more available. If you are looking for a good Psoriasis Scalp Treatment check with your doctor if the natural things you have tried have not worked.

Pictures of Scalp Psoriasis - Pictures may be graphic

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